50 Film Tunes for Alto Sax
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Wise Publications
A great collection of film music arranged for Alto Saxophone, specially graded from easy-to-play tunes to more challenging pieces.
- (I've Had) The Time Of My Life (Dirty Dancing) [Previte, Frankie] [DeNicola, John] [Markowitz, Donald]
- A Hard Day's Night (A Hard Day's Night) [Beatles, The]
- A Love Before Time (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) [Lee, CoCo]
- A Man And A Woman (Un Homme Et Une Femme) [Lai, Francis]
- A Whole New World (Aladdin) [Menken, Alan]
- All Love Can Be (A Beautiful Mind) [Horner, James] [Jennings, Will]
- Anthem (Top Gun) [Faltermeyer, Harold]
- Baby Elephant Walk (Hatari!) [Mancini, Henry]
- Back To The Future (Back To The Future) [Silvestri, Alan]
- Betty Et Zorg (Betty Blue) [Yared, Gabriel]
- Blue Velvet (Blue Velvet) [Vinton, Bobby]
- Build Me Up Buttercup (There's Something About Mary) [Foundations, The]
- Circle Of Life (The Lion King) [John, Elton]
- Clair De Lune (Ocean's Eleven) [Debussy, Claude]
- Come What May (Moulin Rouge) [Baerwald, David]
- Dancing With The Bear (Finding Nerverland) [Kaczmarek, Jan A.P.]
- Eye Of The Tiger (Rocky III) [Sullivan, Frank] [Peterik, Jim]
- Georgia On My Mind (Ray) [Carmichael, Hoagy] [Gorrell, Stuart]
- GoldenEye [Bono] [Edge, The]
- He's A Pirate (Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Cures Of The Black Pearl) [Badelt, Klaus]
- Honor Him/Now We Are Free (Gladiator) [Zimmer, Hans]
- I Had A Farm In Africa (Out Of Africa) [Barry, John]
- Into The West (The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King) [Lennox, Annie] [Shore, Howard] [Walsh, Fran]
- Lawrence Of Arabia Theme (Lawrence Of Arabia) [Jarre, Maurice]
- Le Banquet/La Valse Des Monstres (Amelie) [Tiersen, Yann]
- License To Kill (License To Kill) [Barry, John]
- Live To Tell (At Close Range) [Madonna]
- Love Is All Around (Four Weddings And A Funeral) [Wet Wet Wet]
- Miller's Crossing (End Titles) [Burwell, Carter]
- Mothersbaugh's Canon (The Royal Tenenbaums) [Mothersbaugh, Mark]
- Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now (Mannequin) [Starship]
- Oh, Pretty Woman (Pretty Woman) [Orbison, Roy]
- Once Upon A Time In The West (Once Upon A Time In The West) [Morricone, Ennio]
- Passage Of Time/Vianne Sets Up Shop (Chocolat) [Portman, Rachel]
- Pelagia's Song (Captain Corelli's Mandolin) [Warbeck, Stephen]
- Pelle Erobreren (Pelle The Conqueror) [Nilsson, Stefan]
- PM's Love Theme (Love Actually) [Armstrong, Craig]
- Prologue: My Life Before Me (The Portrait Of A Lady) [Kilar, Wojciech]
- Reprise (Spirited Away) [Hisaishi, Joe]
- Rule The World (Stardust) [Take That]
- Scene D'Amour (Vertigo) [Herrmann, Bernard]
- Schindler's List (Schindler's List) [Williams, John]
- Sweets To The Sweet, Farewell (Hamlet) [Doyle, Patrick]
- The Promise (The Piano) [Nyman, Michael]
- The Shower (Dressed To Kill) [Donaggio, Pino]
- The Sound Of Silence (The Graduate) [Simon And Garfunkel]
- Try A Little Tenderness (The Commitments) [Redding, Otis]
- Up Where We Belong (An Officer And A Gentleman) [Cocker, Joe] [Warnes, Jennifer]
- Voulez-Vous (Mamma Mia!) [Abba]
- You Know My Name (Casino Royale) [Cornell, Chris]
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