12 Preludes et Danses

Componist / auteur:
Takashi Ogawa
Uitgever / merk:
Les Productions D'Oz

This is a lovely collection of pieces. Each short prelude is complimented by a dance of similar length, most being 16 bars in all. The preludes and dances are joined as one piece, the dances ranging from a slow sarabande, a lively tarentelle, to a sensuous rumba. There is a wealth of styles, textures and tonalities which make for really interesting study and music making; from around Grade three upwards this is a superb volume, beautifully and most sympathetically written. I am very pleased with the variety of technical points which are covered in these pieces and whilst the key Signatures are mainly for sharp keys, there is plenty of tonal variety here. This volume deserves to become really widely used; it serves a multitude of purposes.

John Arran (Classical Guitar Magazine)

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    Artikelnummer: 94526
    EAN: 9782896555628

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