10 Ans avec le Violon
22,80 €
A 12 lesson course in the new approach
26,95 €
Akoestiek van de Instumenten van de Violenfamilie
20,95 €
A New Approach to Violin Playing
14,95 €
A new history of violin playing
50,00 €
Antonio Stradivari: His Life and Work
34,95 €
Bach's Works for Solo Violin (Paperback)
32,25 €
Building Violin Skills
44,99 €
Das Klangproblem im Geigenspiel
14,40 €
Das Repertoire für die historischen Viola d'amore 1680-1800
40,00 €
De Bouw van de Viool (Stripverhaal)
10,50 €
Ein Neuer Weg zum Violinspiel
24,95 €
How to practise Sevcik's masterworks
42,50 €
Nieuw Vademecum voor Viool en Altviool
10,95 €
Playing the String Game
29,98 €
Strijkinstrumenten Vroeger en Nu
31,95 €
The Contemporary Violin (Extended performance techniques)
55,00 €
The Guadagnini Family of Violin Makers
24,95 €
The History of Violin Playing from its Origins to 1761
116,95 €
The orchestral violinist's companion, 1 & 2
84,00 €
The Techniques of Violin Playing
63,00 €
Tipboek Viool en Altviool (2de uitgebreide druk)
17,70 €
Versuch einer Gründlichen Violinschule
29,95 €
Vibrato on the violin
23,95 €